Doug Pascover

Doug Pascover's Fundraiser

Join me to support Imagine Supported Living Services. Please help our work toward a beloved community where people with special needs are neighbors too. image

Join me to support Imagine Supported Living Services. Please help our work toward a beloved community where people with special needs are neighbors too.

Help Imagine prepare for the unforeseen next time, too.


$770 towards $1,500

As the Executive Director of Imagine Supported Living Services, I participated in our response to the pandemic and wildfires balancing the urgent needs for safety against many other risks. What I did not need to consider was how much safety would cost. Or how much attention to mental health would cost. That was thanks to a board that put mission first and donors who gave before we needed it.

I saw the power of our generous donors and our focus on the community in our ability to focus on protecting our clients, staff, their families and all of our neighbors. Now I'm asking for help so that we are just as ready next time.

In the spirit of the Human Race, 10% of proceeds will be passed along to the Community Action Board of Santa Cruz County, a nonprofit working to eliminate poverty and injustice.

For my friends and neighbors out of the area, I plan to take the kids June 19 on an epic hike through the redwoods and share the pictures in gratitude to all who support my fundraiser.